The S.S. Coolidge

It’s a fascinating tale involving holidaymakers, troops and friendly fire. The ship was an ocean liner for Americans who took vacations to sail the seas in the 1930s. When WW2 broke out her sailing purpose changed. The SS Coolidge became a troop ship transporting some 5,000 men. She came to Melbourne on one war trip. [...]

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Cascade Waterfalls

These falls are only a short distance from Port Vila and are highly rated as one of Vanuatu’s leading attractions. You are driven as far as possible but then walk the rest of the way. The vegetation you pass through is natural and lush and spectacular. Think about mozzie repellent and have sensible footwear. The [...]

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Mt Yasur Volcano

This mountain really packs a punch as it’s still an active volcano. It’s 360 metres above sea level and you can take a 4WD trip on some pretty rough roads followed by a climb to the crater. It’s recommended you go at dusk, just before sunset, if you want a better site of the rumblings [...]

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Champagne Beach

Champagne Beach on Espiritu Santo, the largest island in Vanuatu, is a real hit with Australians. Despite its massive popularity, the beach hasn’t lost its natural charm – it’s still as pristine as ever. They call it Champagne Beach because during low tide, you can see bubbles popping up in the water, thanks to gas [...]

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